Recently, I become very
interested in Startup companies and Entrepreneurship.
Becoming a successful
Entrepreneur is my life Mission.
I HAVE got MY Entrepreneur
Magazine’s membership to be in touch with startups news. Listening to Podcasts,
reading books about it. References
- The Lean Startup
- The Innovators DeliMMA
- The Power of Habit
- The Wisdom of Failure
- Big Bang Disruption
- The Start-Up of You
- Thinking Fast & Slow
- The Four Steps to the Epiphany
- Built To Sell
ssHear Startups By Alex
Blumberg. Is my most favorite podcast
- ThisWeekIn: Startups - twice a week (usually Tuesday and Friday): one-hour episodes with startup founders hosted by Jason Calacanis and Tyler Crowley
- Founder Stories on TechCrunch TV - Half an hour interviews hosted by Chris Dixon
- Essays by Paul Graham - simply brilliant!
- TechCrunch - 100 news a day in startup space
- Edwin Chen's Blog - always cool posts on data analysis, machine learning and computational linguistics
- Fred Wilson's AVC
- Chad Dickerson's blog - CTO of Etsy
- Hacker News
- How To Make It As a First Time Entrepreneur - inspiring stories by the founder & CEO of Yipit
- Startup Lessons Learned - The Lean Startup methodology from Eric Ries
- Startups Open Sourced
- The Startup Daily - short entrepreneurship books recommendations once a day
- Signal vs. Noise - one of my role model companies 37signals in their own words
- Matt Cutts - head of webspam at Google - SEO and 30-day challenges, rarely updated
- Chris Dixon's blog - founder of Hunch
- Both Sides of the Table - enterpreneur and VC Mark Suster's insights
- OnStartups - articles by Dharmesh Shah
- Techmeme - curated articles on technology
- Jessica Mah Meets World - founder of
- Blog :: Joseph Perla - former CTO of Turntable
- Founder Diaries by Mick Hagen - founder of Zinch